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Full Body and Multi-Character IK

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Combining everything we’ve learnt so far in IK, we can see that our IK implementation is extremely powerful and can perform full body IK on complex skeletons with ease. This allows artists to use our IK in scenarios where conventionally IK would not be used. A simple example of this can be seen in the following figure, where the full body IK can be used to easily make the character dance. The user simply sets the appropriate constraints using effectors, participation and reference postures and the IK animates the character in a believable manner.

This simplicity and ease of use extends to multiple characters as well. All characters in the scene are affected by the IK in this manner, with each being solved using its own set of constraints. Simply selecting and moving the character Joints simultaneously will perform IK on all selected characters.

We encourage you to play around with the IK solver to test it out yourself.